Pass Data Between Views - SwiftUI
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Atlas Device SDK provides several ways to pass SDK data between views:
Pass SDK objects to a view
Use environment injection to:
Inject an opened database into a view
Inject a database configuration into a view
Pass SDK Objects to a View
When you use the @ObservedRealmObject
or @ObservedResults
wrapper, you implicitly open a database and retrieve the specified objects
or results. You can then pass those objects to a view further down the
struct DogsView: View { Dog.self) var dogs ( /// The button to be displayed on the top left. var leadingBarButton: AnyView? var body: some View { NavigationView { VStack { // The list shows the dogs in the realm. // The ``@ObservedResults`` above implicitly opens a realm and retrieves // all the Dog objects. We can then pass those objects to views further down the // hierarchy. List { ForEach(dogs) { dog in DogRow(dog: dog) }.onDelete(perform: $dogs.remove) }.listStyle(GroupedListStyle()) .navigationBarTitle("Dogs", displayMode: .large) .navigationBarBackButtonHidden(true) .navigationBarItems( leading: self.leadingBarButton, // Edit button on the right to enable rearranging items trailing: EditButton()) }.padding() } } }
Pass Environment Values
Environment injection is a useful tool in SwiftUI development with the SDK. Atlas Device SDK property wrappers provide different ways for you to work with environment values when developing your SwiftUI application.
Inject an Opened Database
You can inject a database that you opened in another SwiftUI view into a view as an environment value. The property wrapper uses this passed-in database to populate the view:
ListView() .environment(\.realm, realm)
Inject a Database Configuration
You can use a database other than the default database by passing a different configuration in an environment object.
LocalOnlyContentView() .environment(\.realmConfiguration, Realm.Configuration( /* ... */ ))